Bloodroot for Sale

Bloodroot information and resources from
Their main product line focuses on cancer. Two of the main herbs used are bloodroot and graviola. These are two of the best cancer management protocol herbs available.
We use bloodroot and graviola in our Bla-can black salve, Cancema black salve (based on the original Cansema black salve formula), bloodroot paste, bloodroot oils and also offer internal capsules and tinctures. Take time and review the products we offer. One point we want to make. Not all black salves are alike. The FDA has serious issues with salves that contain over 40% zinc chloride. Salves that have over 40% zinc chloride will irritate and in some cases damage healthy skin. Therefore, as an example our Cancema Deep Tissue black salve has no more than 30% zinc chloride. Custom salves can be make upon request though. One final point about black salves. Most so called black salves do not have bloodroot or zinc chloride and both of these ingredients are essential for the black salve to perform as an eschar salve to draw out cancers.